Think Tank
Cyber Resilience and Data Ethics

Cyber Resilience and Data Ethics must be at the top of every Federal Leadership and Board agenda

The Tortora Brayda Institute Cyber Security Think Tank is divided into three councils: Technology Channel, Government and Defense. Each council runs in parallel and meets on a quarterly basis. At the start of the calendar year council members vote on the focus areas below. Tortora Brayda Institute for Partnership Excellence will provide council members with broad insights from expert panel research on focus areas, these will form the basis for the discussions and deliberations of the councils. The objective will be for the council to produce and publish a quarterly report outlining best practices and recommending actionable plans that would benefit the private and public strategy.

We are proud to champion cyber security as a means to protect and defend organizations, governments and private individuals collaborating across all entities, Effective cyber security promotes digital trust and provides the foundation for a function, Secure society.

Government departments and agencies at all levels should form meaningful partnerships with the private sector on cyber security because the government alone cannot secure cyberspace. Public-private partnerships are vital as they can integrate business and security interests to achieve the common good. This was attempted be accomplished through a range of Information Sharing and Analyses Centers ( ISACS), some of which were successful, but there is the heightened need to place ISACS on steroids so that can better share cyber threat intelligence information and in real time.

The extremely fast growth rate of technology innovation, global interconnectivity, the explosive growth of the Internet of things (IoT) all open new exploitation vulnerabilities and attack vectors in the security of our societies. As most professionals are working from home due to COVID-19, it further allows perpetrators to access our home WiFis through a range of attack vectors, only to make their way to your work network through VPN or other sound connections. Moreover, Cyber criminality is growing at least as fast, and each and every hack undermines trust in the global systems that underpin our economies.

Each council will also vote for four UN Sustainable Development Goals to discuss one at each quarterly session and brainstorm on how partnerships can help achieve the goals, and what each member can do to influence this success.

Events and council meetings

Upcoming and past events for the Cyber Resilience and Data Ethics Think Tank

Research and Reports

View Research and Reports for the Cyber Recilience and Data Ethics Thinks Tank

Government has a clear leadership role, but we will also foster a wider commercial ecosystem, recognising where industry can innovate faster than us. This includes a drive to get the best young minds into cyber security.

The Rt. Hon Phillip Hammond

MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer

Cyber Resilience and data ethics members

Tortora Brayda Institute for Partnership Excellence drives thought leadership by uniting in partnership the shapers of cyber security from government, industry and academia to shape the global evolution of cyber space in a manner that advances our conjoined economic and security interests.

Tortora Brayda Institute is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set for 2030 and strives to assist in accomplishing its technology and multi stakeholder partnership goals for international trade.

Each Think Tank is working towards the below goals on all their council meetings, research and reports.

Tortora Brayda Institute’s focus is to positively influence the following goals:
UNSDG Goal 5 – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, Enhance the use of empowerment of women, enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.
UNSDG Goal 8 – Promote inclusive and sustain economic growth, employment, and decent work for all.
UNSDG Goal 9 – Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
UNSDG Goal 17 – Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
UNSDG (png)