AI for Good Silicon Valley Innovation Factory

  • (Covering Canada and the United States)

AI for Good Baltics Innovation Factory

  • (Covering Lithuania, Latvia, & Estonia)


Mission Statement:

Supporting the UN Agenda 2030 through AI-based ideas and projects

The Agenda 2030 and it's Sustainable Development Goals are a plan of action from the United Nations that set 17 global goals to achieve by 2030. The goals put forward the global challenges we face, including challenges related to poverty, inequality, climate, and justice. The AI for Good Innovation Factory identifies AI-based ideas and projects that target global challenges to help accomplish the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It also coordinates The Silicon Valley Innovation Factory contest, in alignment with other regional contests, to raise awareness of the SDGs and promote AI technology’s alignment to the cause in the US in general and Silicon Valley in particular.

The AI for Good Innovation Factory aims to raise awareness on the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals. The Silicon Valley Innovation Factory contest, in alignment with other regional contests, aims to promote AI technology’s solutions to help accomplish the goals and targets of the Agenda 2030

We are very pleased to Partner with Tortora Brayda Partnership Excellence, the Silicon Valley-based Partnership Think Tank, focused on Artificial Intelligence. By joining forces we wish to be able to discover innovative AI technologies capable of helping to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Reinhard Scholl

Deputy Director of the International Telecommunication Union, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

Contest! - AI for Good Silicon Valley Innovation Factory

AI for Good Silicon Valley Innovation Factory Contest. Check out this blog on the Silicon Valley Innovation winner who took the Grand Finale by storm and won!!!

Contest! - AI for Good Baltics Innovation Factory

AI for Good Baltics Innovation Factory Contest. Submissions are open until October 1, 2024.

Research and Reports

View Research and Reports for the AI for Good Global Summit Silicon Valley Innovation Factory Task Force

Sustainable AI & Ethics Task Force Members

Tortora Brayda Institute for Partnership Excellence drives thought leadership by uniting in partnership the shapers of cyber security from government, industry and academia to shape the global evolution of cyber space in a manner that advances our conjoined economic and security interests.

Tortora Brayda Institute is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set for 2030 and strives to assist in accomplishing its technology and multi stakeholder partnership goals for international trade.

Each Think Tank is working towards the below goals on all their council meetings, research and reports.

Tortora Brayda Institute’s focus is to positively influence the following goals:
UNSDG Goal 5 – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, Enhance the use of empowerment of women, enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.
UNSDG Goal 8 – Promote inclusive and sustain economic growth, employment, and decent work for all.
UNSDG Goal 9 – Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation.
UNSDG Goal 17 – Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
UNSDG (png)