AI technology raises significant ethical concerns, particularly around bias and fairness. One area of apprehension is that AI systems may perpetuate and even amplify existing societal biases present in the data sets used to train them. This can lead to biased outcomes, such as in the case of certain job applicants, rental applicants, and criminal defendants being unfairly disadvantaged by AI-driven decision-making processes. There are also questions around how AI systems will impact privacy, security, and autonomy, particularly as AI systems are increasingly used to make important decisions that affect people's lives.

Another key focus is the transparency and explainability of AI systems, especially in high-stakes decision-making contexts, where the reasoning behind an AI's decision may be difficult to understand or challenge. Lack of transparency may also lead to inadequate accountability, making it hard to identify when an AI system is behaving in a discriminatory way or making unethical decisions.  It is important to study the impact of AI on the labor market, as AI systems have the potential to displace human workers and create new forms of inequality. 

We also have to recognize that there is the possibility of the creation of autonomous weapons or autonomous decision-making systems that may pose a threat to public safety.  It is critical that we have standards and procedures in place to help us to mitigate the risk of AI systems being misused or weaponized.

AI technology raises a number of ethical concerns around bias, fairness, privacy, security, autonomy, transparency, accountability, labor market impacts, and misuse. It is crucial that society addresses these concerns proactively in order to develop AI systems that are aligned with our values and that promote the public good.

Questions for Panelists:

  • How can AI systems be designed to reduce bias and increase fairness?
  • How do we ensure that AI systems do not perpetuate or exacerbate existing social inequalities?
  • What is the role of the government in regulating the development and use of AI systems?
  • How can transparency be built into AI systems to promote trust and accountability?
  • How can the impact of AI systems on marginalized communities be studied and minimized?
  • How can AI be used to promote social good and address societal challenges?
  • How can we ensure that AI systems are developed and used in a way that respects human rights?
  • What are the ethical implications of using AI to make decisions that affect people's lives?
  • How should we approach the potential loss of jobs due to automation by AI systems?
  • How can we ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that is in line with democratic values and principles?


25 January 2023


11:00am PST/ 2:00pm EST


Hot Topic Webinar


Bias and Ethics in AI

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