Athena's Podium

Web 3: The Next Generation of Cyber Security?

Web3: The Next Generation of Cyber Security?

Athena's Podium

Anthem Blanchard, CEO at Hera Software Development

AnthemWeb3 (png)

Web3 is the kitschy term that refers to the next iteration of our internet—including cryptocurrencies, decentralized networks, the blockchain, and more. While for many people, the concept of Web3 seems a futuristic, light-years-away idea; the truth is that it’s much more impending than we think, with many elements already firmly entrenched in the wider public consciousness. Nine countries have already launched Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC)—virtual currency backed and issued by a central bank.

What exactly is Web3?  If it is the future of the internet, finance, and technology sectors, what does this landscape look like in terms of cybersecurity? 

To understand how Web3 could shape the future of cybersecurity, it is essential to summarize precisely what it is and how the internet's history has arrived. Our speaker will address these questions during the Athena’s Podium talk.


  • 6 Trillion Annually in Cybercrime Costs versus less than $1 Trillion spent in Protective Systems
  • How the Internet is a series of serial networks and how the commercialization of Web3 represents scaling the Internet by integrating parallel networks
  • How Web3 Public Protocols are Ransomware-Proof, 100% Uptime, Perfect Data Integrity Systems
  • Why OT and IoT require Web3-stacked layers to protect against identity highjacking
  • How centralized database honeypots can be eliminated by storing metadata on meta-generation devices

So as long as the Bitcoin, for example, or Ethereum, for example, layer holds, those layered distributed clouds effectively are 100% uptime and the data that they save in their databases, again referred to typically database blockchain, are incorruptible.

About the Speaker

A co-founder of ransomware proof enterprise software solutions company, Hera
Software Development Inc. serving in-house built public blockchain software stack,
Hercules (, co-founder of gold-backed cryptocurrency company
AnthemGold Inc. ( and co-founder of precious metals dealer
Anthem Vault Inc. (brands:,, Anthem Hayek
Blanchard also serves as all of the companies’ under parent company Anthem
Holdings Company Chief Executive Officer and a board director.

He was raised by legendary goldbug and precious metals pioneer, James U.
Blanchard III, who helped restore Americans’ right to own gold and also founded
rare coin and bullion company, Blanchard & Company – once, the world’s largest.
As Director of Strategic Development and Marketing with European-based
GoldMoney, Anthem helped develop and implement their current business model,
overseeing marketing and product development efforts which resulted in an
increase of total value held by the company from $1 million in 2002 to $368 million
by 2008; today, the company holds over $2 billion in client assets. He also assisted
thousands of clients personally over the years, answering their questions regarding
buying and selling gold and silver.

From 2010-2014 Anthem served as an independent director and member of the
audit committee, compensation committee and nominating committee at Pernix
Therapeutics Holdings Inc. (ticker symbol: PTX, traded on NASDAQ), a
pharmaceutical company based in The Woodlands, Texas.
In his spare time, and as a charitable endeavor, Anthem teaches Bitcoin classes to
novices that have not held their own Bitcoin software keys (‘Satoshis’, ‘BTC’)and
wish to learn the mechanics of downloading wallets and purchasing and selling
cryptocurrencies. His passion is empowering people to manage their own crypto
portfolios and understand the joys and pitfalls involved in the space.
Anthem holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Goizueta
Business School at Emory University, with concentrations in Professional
Accounting and Finance.

Follow Anthem on LinkedIn.


07 September 2022


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Athena's Podium



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